Saturday, August 29, 2009


Sorry everyone for the late post. Been a little behind, but things have been picking up. Anyways, I am really excited to learn Japanese. I am excited experiencing things from the Japanese culture and learning the language is the first step to being able to one day, travel to Japan and a get a true feel of what the culture is all about.
Like some students, my favorite aspect of the culture is the anime/manga aspect of it. Shows such as Yu Yu Hakusho has always made me like the Japanese cartoons, rather than the cheap American animation. Even the video games out of Japan are so much better than the American games. Games such as Metal Gear Solid and Marvel vs. Capcom has made Japanese games a blast to play.
As far as the class goes, I am a little worried about learning Japanese. I have not had much success learning Spanish in high school, but I have also not had the passion for learning the language as I do with Japanese. Maybe that was all the problem was, as I hope to excel in this class. Hope everyone has a great semester! じゃあ、また。


  1. I loved Yu Yu Hakusho! [; Spain and Japan both have beautiful languages and fascinating cultures, but I'm sure you'll develop a passion for learning Japanese tantamount to the one you have for learning Spanish soon enough. :D

  2. Interest definitely makes a difference in learning. I use to really like French so did well. But then I had a horrible teacher in my junior year and just didn't study that much anymore.

    I'm sure you'll be fine this year though. =]

  3. I know exactly what you mean about interest in the language. I also took Spanish in high school for three years and it always seemed so boring. I'm glad that we both found a language that we like

  4. You know, I felt the same way about spanish, I took four years in high school and it wasn't nearly as exciting for me as taking Japanese is.
    By the way, Marvel vs. Capcom: best game ever? I think so.

  5. I have to disagree about Japanese games being better than American games. People are excited about the release of AVA and admittedly some prominent organizations are playing it, but it doesn't come close to 1.6 or source or even cod.
